Apex Legends

Respawn's answer to the popular Battle Royale Fortnite packs a damn good punch!


Apex Legends carries over Respawn's signature smooth and fast paced gameplay from their previous IP "Titanfall 2". The game runs smoothly on all devices and is very well optimised other than occasional server issues

All the sliding and fast movement from Titanfall 2 is here, so veterans will love it. The variety of Legends breathe new life into the BR genre and adds unique gameplay features for each legends so that you never have to play the same way with every legend.


Respawn has always had great controls and customisation in their games, Apex is no exception to that rule either.

The controls are very similar to those of other first person shooters such as Call of Duty and Battlefield with the exception of Legend abilities which are seamlessly implimented without intruding important controls otherwise.

Legend abilities can be activated by the click of a single button and are easy to use and don't feel unnatural to use.

When your character is running, on pressing the crouch button you can slide a certain distance given your momentum, a signature feature in Respawn's previous IP- Titanfall.

Of course, like most of the other games I've mentioned in my other reviews, Apex Legends offers you the option to change/customize every single button mapping on your controller or keyboard, offering greater versatility for those who wanna experiment with other button combos or who are simply just used to other button configurations. It's great to see how games are showing regard to accessibiity more than anything nowadays, I'm very happy that the industry is leaning in the direction to ensure games are accessible to everyone.

Audio and Music

The audio design has no standouts but no problems either, the sound of bullets being fired from guns, the reload sound effects, the Legend voice overs, etc. everything is really well done and fit the game.

The music department has done a much more phenomenal job in my opinion. The main theme is epic and gets you feeling like Legend yourself before every game and the addition of remixed versions of the very same theme but to fit every legend's background and personallity was a great touch too.

The music in Apex Legends fits the game perfectly and sets the mood for you to truly feel like your a Legend yourself.


On the graphics side of things, I can't really praise the game all too much. Don't get me wrong, for a 30GB ish game on the PS4 its totally acceptable but when compared to other games out there....yeah, it isn't all too great.

The lighting and effects are really good but the character models and a lot of props in the BR map just seem under textured and models from a game from about 4 years ago.

Although I do get that they gave priority to the fps and not the visuals, it wouldn't have hurt to have seen better graphics. Apex Legends just seems to have under delivered in this department.

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Final Verdict




