Mortal Kombat 11

The beloved fighting game franchise is back with its latest installment and oh boy does it NOT hold back the gore.


Mortal Kombat has always been known for balancing its gameplay with its jaw dropping fatalitites and MK11 is no exception to this rule. The game runs at a smooth 60fps on all consoles, even the switch and only switches to 30fps during the fatalities to ensure the players get all the high resolution gore they desire.

The gameplay is fun for both, series veterans and noobs alike. Owing to its slower paced combat unlike MKX, veterans will love to learn all the kharacters and their nuances while noobs can always find fun in the fatalitites.


Mortal Kombat isn't "unique" or "special" when it comes to the controls department, as it follows the same controls from the Injustice 2 game Netherrelm games released just a mere 2 years ago.

Series veterans can expect to have the same button combinations they are already used to, making the slower gameplay easier to get used to if they decide to master the game like they did with the previous MK game.

If you've played Injustice 2, then you will be more than familiar with the button combos and the slower gameplay, as MK11 seems to have inherited it from Injustice 2 itself.

MK11 does have customizable button mappings thankfully though, so if you aren't able to get used to the default settings, you can always tamper with them in the menus to feel more comfortable.

The only difference in terms of controls that MK11 has over Injustice 2 is most likely the fact that it has a dedicated block button, which in my opinion is the right way to go for any fighting game. However, this may lead to a really frustrating learning curve for folks who have come into MK11 from Injustice 2, so better look out for that!

Audio and Music

Mortal Kombat 11's Music atleast in my opinion wasn't all too great, it was just plain old dark music similar to MKX, I would have loved to see the beloved Mortal Komabt theme song be availale as the menu music, but oh well.

The Audio department however is phenomenal, every bone crack, blood gushing out and organs being pulled out of Kharacters sounds really good and I have no complaints regarding that.

(That sounds a bit too dark lol, but can't be helped can it?)


Mortal Kombat 11 looks really really good for a game that runs on a smooth 60 fps on all platforms, except the switch however, I found it to be slighly lacking only on the switch but given the lower specs, its only fair they would give priority to the gameplay over graphics given the genre.

The organs, blood, bones and the kharacter models look better than ever and definitely much better than the previous installments, and THANK THE GODS, they fixed the awful sweat graphics from MKX that made characters look like wax models.

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Final Verdict




