Rocket League

Adrenaline pumping game of football with a fun twist!


Rocket League is truly a thrilling game to play with exciting gameplay in which you are bound to have fun regardless of whether you can play well or no.

The game consists of a combination of jumps, boosts and air-dribbling to make each and every move you make not just calculated but also super varied and fun.

In fact the game play is so fun that just watching others play gives you tons of enjoyment, a mix of fast paced gameplay and an adrenaline pumping soundtrack makes for a combination that will simply not let you take your eyes off the screen until the match is over.


This is not really a easy topic to review as controls is usually personal preference, however, I can indeed comment on how intuitive the basic controls feel.

I have only played this game on a PS4, so my opinions will be restricted to the dualshock 4 itself.

The controls are at first pretty frustrating to master, given the fact that you won't be able to hit the ball in the desired direct all the time, if at all. This is slowly gotten rid of once you get enough experience into the game which showcases this game's constant need for mastery from the players.

The controls can also be changed according to your liking on the controller, a feature that is more than welcome. I personally have completely changed my controls from the default settings to suit my needs and playstyle better and I've been having a blast with the game ever since.

Overall, although at first the controls can seem overwhelming and the default configuration for the control to me personally didn't seem all too intuitive, the fact that the game gives you the option to change each and every function of every button on your controller makes up for the lackluster initial settings and doesn't end up being too big of a con.

Audio and Music

Coming into the audio and music side of things, one thing's for certain, one of the main charms of Rocket League is clearly its high energy EDM soundtracks that it offers.

The basic SFX sound effects are good enough while you race through the field, jump, boost and score goals, but when you add the high energy EDM soundtrack in the background, it just gets you super pumped as you play even if you're losing.

The soundtrack is switched off by default, so I highly recommend switching it on in the settings, trust me, it will improve your gameplay experience significantly.


The graphics aren't something to call "bad" per se, but it's definitely not NEARLY as good as a lot of other games boasting their high-res resolution.

Rocket League definitely tries to make up for it by offering generally higher fps gameplay and a ton of dazzling particle effects with each goal and boost. But its sufficient to say that on the graphics side of things, Rocket League is just a "meh", nothing too impressive to rant and praise but nothing that takes away from the amazing gameplay experience and smooth high fps that it offers and delivers.

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Final Verdict




